Thursday, May 3, 2007

I found the term 'micropress' in Aaron Tieger's blog, which accurately describes Leafe and others like it. I've teamed up with a Californian micropress, Bamboo Books to co-publish a pamphlet called World Zero by John Bloomberg-Rissman. While working on this I came across (also on Tieger's blog), a quote by Ric Cadell:

" much of the best poetry in this country exists on a self-help basis, I think it's important that participants in such a process do their bit - join in the table-laying and washing up around the meal. I'm generally impatient of people who sit back and wait for it all to happen to them."

Amen to that.

I also found a passage in Peter Riley's essay on Dylan Thomas which seems relevant to my current reading of Peter Gizzi's work, which, as previously mentioned, is lyric (song-like) in its impulse:

"I cannot think of any practice prior to Thomas which recognised so explicitly the poetical potential of closure, of offering the linguistic surface of the poem as a thing of “worth” in itself, without the reader necessarily needing to see “through” it. There is nothing mysterious about this, and no trickery or concealment is involved. It is the operation of lyrical intuition, the basis of song and thus of all poetical writing which does not set out to reverse it."

1 comment:

John B-R said...

After Bob saw the proofs of No SOunds he wrote, and I quote:

F^#%&n incredible...

Micropublishing my ass.

Hats off.